The Chairman G. Zandanshatar: Reforms and new work methods are due at National Human Rights Commission for human rights protection

During the recess of the State Great Hural, the Chairman of the State Great Khural G. Zandanshatar is holding meetings with the heads of the organizations under the direct supervision of the State Great Hural.

Today, on February 7 2023, he met with the leadership and members of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and discussed the workplan. The member of the State Great Hural B.Purevdorj joined this meeting.

The Head of the NHRC Mr. J.Hunan gave a brief presentation on the human rights issues in Mongolia, the work and plans of the Commission on the implementation of the laws and regulations on human rights.

The Chairman G. Zandanshatar gave directions to uphold the independence in the protection of human rights, make significant reforms and employ new work methods. He emphasized the leadership role the NHRC should play in the implementation of the Law on Human Rights and the Law on Legal Status of Human Rights Defenders.

Further, the Chairman G.Zandanshatar gave recommendations to organize a series of discussions, in cooperation with the relevant ministries, for raising public awareness on human rights, with a particular focus on prevention of violation of human rights. Also, a decision was made to organize discussions with the political parties and civil society organizations on protection and prevention of the human rights in the cyber space, since the number of crimes committed in the cyber space has been increasing with each year. He gave a direction to develop and present to the Spring Parliament Session a training plan, based on results of those discussions.

MP B. Purevdorj expressed the readiness of the opposition in the Parliament to provide its full support in the field of human rights protection.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman G.Zandanshatar brought up the recommendations received on the 21st Annual Report on Situation of Human Rights and Freedoms in Mongolia and highlighted the areas related to the responsibilities of the NHRC.

In addition, he stressed out that the report on the resolution of public complaints, the work on public education and prevention of violations should be reported to public on regular basis.


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